Convert API
Format a number with grouped thousands and optional control over decimal places, decimal separator, and thousand separator.
- Accepts a number or string as the first argument to be formatted.
Accepts an optional integer as the second argument, specifying the number of decimal places to include.
The default value is "2". -
Accepts an optional string as the third argument, specifying the decimal separator to use.
The default value is ".". -
Accepts an optional string as the fourth argument, specifying the thousands separator to use.
The default value is " " (space). - Returns the formatted number as a string, or false if the input is invalid.
// false
formatNum(1000.55, 2, '.', ' ');
// '1 000.55'
formatNum(1000.55, 2, '.', ',');
// '1,000.55'
formatNum(1000.55, 0);
// '1 000'
formatNum(1234567.89, 4, '.', '');
// '1234567.8900'